Sunday, April 17, 2011

ROW80 April 17 Check-in

Good, good week! I got to see one of my favorite bands play on campus yesterday which was extremely fun and wonderful. If you've never heard them, you should definitely check out The Dodos. My favorite song is Red and Purple, but pretty much all of their songs are winners. Horny Hippies is also good. (I have gotten a lot of really good music lately and I think it's contributed somewhat to the excellent writing sessions I've been having.)

As for writing, things are still going well with Zombies!!, but can't say the same for 101, which is officially on the back-burner as of right now. I had to devote a lot of time to applying for internships in LA for the summer this week, but despite that I managed to surpass my word goal for the week!

I actually wrote the most words last night, which was a surprise in a bunch of different ways. For one thing, I'd already accomplished my word goal for the week. For another, I had not planned on writing at all, in any way. I was just sitting at my computer (welcome to the world of my exciting Saturday nights) and suddenly felt ready to write the next scene. So I did. (To the excellent soundtrack of Sleigh Bells' Treats .) And I managed to do that thing where I leave off in a place I'll be excited to pick up at next time I sit down. I rarely accomplish this because my instinct is just to keep writing until I don't have anything left. But I happened to get interrupted last night so...hooray for interruptions? I guess they can be a good thing every now and again!


  1. Fabulous job, Katy! I love the enthusiasm and energy in this post. :) And I know EXACTLY what you mean about leaving off at an exciting point. Makes it SO much easier to jump right back in! Wise decision, my good woman. ;) Happy writing this week! :D

  2. Thanks girl! Happy writing to you too!

  3. Hey, don't knock sitting in front of the computer on a Saturday night! I have a two year old. Having the free time to do that is a downright luxury! :D
