Wednesday, April 13, 2011

ROW80 April 13 Check-in

Today is a beautiful day!

I don't know if it's ROW80, the fact that it really feels like spring (finally!) or just all the coffee I've been drinking, but I am in the best spirits I think I've been in since the beginning of the semester. I am wearing adorable outfits, waking up early (well today not included), and just generally feeling like I am kicking ass and taking names. So that's all very nice.

This week in Zombies!!
I have already written a combined 4,000 words on Zombies!! and it's only Wednesday. I even took yesterday off from writing so I could trek out to SF to visit my cousin. Although I guess I didn't technically take the day off entirely because I did scribble out a skeleton of a scene while I was on BART. That then became the scene I'm currently entrenched in today. I'm hoping after I take care of a few dumb school things I can finish off that scene and maybe even reach my weekly word goal today!

Does that mean I'll be taking off the rest of the week? No, but I might have to take it easy with writing because I do have two papers due next week, so I imagine a big chunk of my weekend will have to be devoted for that, so it's just wonderful luck that I'm doing so well on word goals this week. I didn't even plan it or anything.

There is still no new progress on 101. I'm reading The Road right now though (as well as Their Eyes Were Watching God -- for the second time this year -- for English) and I'm hoping this will spark something for me for my short story. The Road doesn't have too much in common with my short story, but somehow they seem linked in my mind so we'll see.

I am hoping to post something on this blog that is not just ROW80 check-in business. Might not happen this week (because of aforementioned papers) but we'll see.

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