Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ROW80 Check-in

Oh dear! The weeks have gotten away from me. I've been severely neglecting this blog, and A Round of Words in general for the past month. I could blame it on finals and spending time with my family and starting my new job, but really, when isn't there something happening in my life to distract me?

As for my goals, I'm about half-way to where I want to be with Zombies!!, plus today I had a bit of a plot break-through, so I may be able to pull this one out. I'm totally stalled on 101, though. Just...completely stuck. I'm going to let it sit for a while, maybe all summer, and see if I can get into it again. I still really love the idea, I'm just not sure where it wants to go.

Instead of dwelling on all the slacking I've been doing, I will share with you what I HAVE been doing in the scant amount of downtime I've had between finishing school and starting work.

I read the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy, and I might summon a blog post about that soon, but suffice to say I enjoyed it and I'm waiting for a friend of mine to finish book 3 so I can read it. I also have read Demetri Martin's new book This is a Book (and, actually, MET Demetri Martin at a book signing while I was at it). In the same vein, I'm currently reading Tina Fey's Bossypants, which is as hilarious as promised, and surprisingly (or perhaps not so surprisingly) pointed and poignant. I just love her. I think I could write an entire blog devoted to my love of Tina Fey. I'll settle for writing up a post about her and probably Amy Poehler and Kristin Wiig and a dozen other hilarious ladies once I've seen Bridesmaids again.

Speaking of which, some good movies I've seen include the aforementioned Bridesmaids (seriously, this is a movie for all dudes and ladies who enjoy hilarity with a side of soul-crushing hopelessness topped off with a happy ending), Midnight in Paris (which is my first Woody Allen movie--for shame!), Hangover Part II (okay, yes, it is the first movie all over again, practically to a T, but damn if I didn't die laughing in the theater). I also went through most of Stanley Kubrick's stuff during reading week (because obviously, I wasn't studying, who does that?) and I have to say I absolutely loved Fullmetal Jacket and I am definitely adding that to my list of all-time favorite movies.

In other news, So You Think You Can Dance has finally started again! I honestly could not wait for this show to be back on the air and I'm so glad it is. Now if Weeds and True Blood would start again I'd be all set this summer...

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